Save the date: INTERCONNECT Benchmarks for the current public transport system in Gdańsk, 6/09/2018
On September 6th in Gdańsk (Poland), project partners of INTERCONNECT project will organized a seminar "Benchmarks for the current public transport system". The event will take place at the Office of the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship in Gdańsk (from 9.30 - 15.15). The seminar will include information about results of previous work in the field of quality analysis of transport systems made by InnoBaltica Ltd. in cooperation with Interconnect project partners. During the debate, the proposed benchmarks of the analyzed systems will be discussed and their potential for replication in other regions of the South Baltic area.
An important element opening the seminar will be the INAUGURATION OF THE PILOTAGE - start up phase of information and ticketing system Pomorskie - Blekinge
Here's the complete Agenda and invitation: